发布时间 :2020-12-18 信息员:林宇玫 浏览次数:1458


胡喜生,男,19792月生,福建莆田人,博士、教授,硕士生导师,现任公司交通与土木工程学院副经理,“道路交通生态与环境保护”省级专业研究生导师团队负责人,福建省生态文明研究会常务理事,美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)访问学者,福州大学遥感信息工程研究所博士后。主要从事景观格局与过程分析与模拟、生态遥感、空间大数据的挖掘与分析等方面的研究工作。主要承担《ArcGIS技术及其应用》、《森林地理信息系统》等本科生和研究生课程;近年来主持省级教改项目1项,指导研究生获得2016年度福建省研究生优秀学位论文1篇,指导本科生参加全国科技创新大赛获得国家级二等奖2项,指导本科生获得国家级大员工创新训练项目资助3项;获省级教学成果奖二等奖1项,获2018年度“公司优秀研究生导师”荣誉称号。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、省自然科学基金2项和省社科规划项目1项,等等;以第一作者或通讯作者在《生态学报》、《资源科学》、《地理科学》、《中国环境科学》、《Forest Ecology and Management》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Cleaner production》、《Ecological Indicators》等国内外高水平期刊发表学术论文30多篇;获省科技进步三等奖3项。





 2013/07-2014/07The University of Georgia,访问学者







主要承担《ArcGIS技术及其应用 》、《森林地理信息系统 》等本、硕程教学任务。







森林覆盖空间位移的格局、过程与机制31971639,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01- 2023.12 (主持)

基于GTWR的福建省森林覆盖像元变化驱动机制的精准识别2019J01406,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2019.7-2022.6 (主持)

交通可达性反贫困机制的地理识别FJ2017B0902017年度福建省社会科学规划项目, 2017.7-2019.6(主持)

区域道路网络扩展及其生态变化的空间耦合关系2017M6103902017,中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目,2017.7.1-2018.12.31 (主持)


基于生态服务功能的土地利用空间变异特征研究(41201100),国家自然科学基金项目,2013.1.1- (主持)


  1. Li, X., Wu, P.F., Guo, F.T.*, Hu, X.S.* A geographically weighted regression approach to detect divergent changes in the vegetation activity along the elevation gradients over the last 20 years. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 490, 119089.

  2. 侯秀英,黄菲,赵青,邱荣祖,胡喜生*.福建省森林丧失的时空格局演化及其驱动力机制.山地学报,2020,38(06):829-840.

  3. 翟瑞,黄佑超,赵超超,林玉英,邱荣祖,胡喜生.基于水文分析的动物通道选址——以龙栖山自然保护区为例.西北林学院学报,2020,35(03):191-196.

  4.  Lin, Y.Y., Hu, X.S.*, Lin, M.S., Qiu, R.Z., Lin, J.G., Li, B.Y*. Is forest landscape pattern more affected in road overlap zone: evidence from an upstream area of the Minjiang river of Fujian province in the sub-tropical region of China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020, 18(2): 3693-3711.

  5.  Chen, X., Zhao, Q., Huang, F., Qiu, R., Lin, Y., Zhang, L., Hu, X.*. Understanding spatial variation in the driving pattern of carbon dioxide emissions from taxi sector in great Eastern China: evidence from an ****ysis of geographically weighted regression. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2020, 22, 979-991.

  6.  Yuying Lin, Xisheng Hu, Mingshui Lin, Rongzu Qiu, Jinguo Lin, Baoyin Li*. Spatial Paradigms in Road Networks and Their Delimitation of Urban Boundaries Based on KDE. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9(4), 204.

  7. 吴旻, 陈瑾, 赵超超, 翟瑞, 苏雨秋, 郑金兴, 胡喜生*. 泉三高速公路动物通道选址研究——以云豹为例. 生态学报, 2020, 40(7): 2360-2366.

  8. 侯秀英, 邱荣祖, 林玉英, 王剑凯, 胡喜生*. 交通可达性反贫困作用的空间分异分析: 以福建省为例. 资源科学, 2019, 41(11):2094-2106.

  9.  Danting Lin, Lanyi Zhang, Cheng Chen, Yuying Lin, Jiankai Wang, Rongzu Qiu*, Xisheng Hu*. Understanding driving patterns of carbon emissions from the transport sector in China: evidence from an ****ysis of panel models. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2019, 21(6):1307-1322.

  10.  Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. Spatial variability of urban climate in response to quantitative trait of land cover based on GWR model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 191,194-205. (SCI, IF=1.959)

  11.  Yuying Lin, Rongzu Qiu, Jixue Yao, Xisheng Hu*, Jinguo Lin. The effects of urbanization on China's forest loss from 2000 to 2012: Evidence from a panel ****ysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 214, 270-278.

  12.  Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. A new remote sensing index based on the pressure-state-response framework to assess regional ecological change. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, 5381-5393.

  13. 姚霁雪, 邱荣祖, 林玉英, 王剑凯, 叶丽敏, 胡喜生*. 高速公路路域植被恢复动态研究——以福诏高速福州至仙游路段为例[J].林业资源管理, 2018(05):128-133

  14.  Yuying Lin, Xisheng Hu, Xiaoxue Zheng, Xiuying Hou, Zhengxiong Zhang, Xinnian Zhou, Rongzu Qiu*, Jinguo Lin*. Spatial variations in the relationships between road network and landscape ecological risk in the highest forest coverage region of China. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 96(1), 392-403.

  15.  Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu, Jiankai Wang, Rongzu Qiu*. Identification of spatial variation in road network and its driving patterns: Economy and population. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, 71, 37-45.

  16.  Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. A new remote sensing index for assessing the spatial heterogeneity in urban ecological quality: A case from Fuzhou City, China. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 89, 11-21.

  17. 汤坤, 蔡烁, 邱荣祖, 徐璐, 胡喜生*. 福建省不同类型道路沿线土地利用/土地覆盖变化的时空格局.公司学报(自然科学版), 2017,(4):445-452.

  18.  Xisheng Hu, Neelam C. Poudyal and Gary T. Green. 2017, Spatial Analysis of International Tourism Growth in China’s Cities. In Albert Tavidze (Eds.). Progress in Economics Research (Chapter 6, Volume 38). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53611-327-3

  19. 叶丽敏, 吴伟, 邱荣祖, 胡喜生*. 道路网络的森林景观效应及其对地形地貌的梯度变化规律——以福建省将乐县为例. 林业资源管理, 2016, (5):138-143.

  20.  Xisheng Hu, Lanyi Zhang, Limin Ye, Yuhong Lin, Rongzu Qiu*. Locating spatial variation in the association between road network and forest biomass carbon accumulation. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 73, 214-223. (SCI, IF= 3.898)

  21.  Xisheng Hu, Zhilong Wu, Chengzhen Wu, Limin Ye, Chaofeng Lan, Kun Tang, Lu Xu, Rongzu Qiu*. Effects of road network on diversiform forest cover changes in the highest coverage region in China: an ****ysis of sampling strategies. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 565, 28-39.

  22. 叶丽敏, 邱荣祖, 林宇洪, 胡喜生*. 地形对闽江流域上游福建省将乐县森林景观空间格局的影响[J]. 森林工程, 2015, 31(6):11-17.

  23. 胡喜生, 洪伟, 吴承祯*, 祁新华. 基于生态服务功能的土地利用结构分析——以福州市为例[J]. 安全与环境学报, 2015,15(5):361-366.

  24. 胡喜生, 郑燕, 陈敏, 魏华云, 叶丽敏, 邱荣祖*. 不同行道树绿化带疏透度对降低交通噪音效果的对比[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 34(4):95-98,160.

  25. 叶丽敏, 周沿海, 邱荣祖, 胡喜生*. 区域道路建设对两侧景观生态的影响—以福建省将乐县为例[J].四川农业大学学报, 2015, 33(2):159-165.

  26. 叶丽敏, 胡喜生, 邱荣祖*. 三明将乐县森林景观异质性及其分形特征[J].吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 36(2):147-153.

  27.  Xisheng Hu, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu, Tao Hong, Can Chen, Chengzhen Wu*. Geographic variations of ecosystem service intensity in Fuzhou City, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 512-513:215-226.

  28.  Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu*, Jian Li, Tao Hong. Forest cover change and its drivers in the upstream area of the Minjiang River, China. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 46: 121-128.

  29. 胡喜生, 周沿海, 黄金荣, 邱荣祖*, 叶丽敏. 基于GIS的闽江上游城区森林景观格局分析[J]. 吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,35(1):130-135.

  30.  Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu*, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu, Xinhua Qi. Impact of land-use change on ecosystem service values and their effects under different intervention scenarios in Fuzhou City, China. Geosciences Journal, 2013, 17(4):497-504.









硕士点:风景园林学(设计学)工学硕士  风景园林(艺术设计)专业学位硕士
